Tanzania: Local Book Makers Contemplate Going E-Publishing

Millions of Tanzanians own mobile phone handsets but regrettably the majority pay little attention to the need to own or read books.
© Michael Porter : Flickr (certains droits réservés)

In light of the situation therefore, local publishers are now exploring the most convenient ‘path’ for smooth migration to digital publication era, to allow readers to have access to valid information through online distribution.

Speaking exclusively to the Sunday News, the Mkuki na Nyota Managing Director, Mr Walter Bgoya said that it was only a matter of time for publishers to follow the digital path, adding that the new technology would surely help local publishers and the readers as well (…)

[Read Masembe Tambwe’s full article]
Published by Dailynews, January 12, 2014.

Another article on the topic:

« Are African Writers And Readers Ready For The eBook Revolution? », by Joanna Penn. The creative pen, March 23, 2013.


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